Fiction Workshops

A workshop devoted to the very complicated task of writing fiction. Includes some assignments on building characters, building worlds, developing dialogue, and building plots organically. You can be in the middle of a big project, or at the very beginning of a small one. These classes will be kept super small so we can get into the specifics of your project and explore them together. Includes plenty of personalized feedback and support, and weekly deadlines for writing.

STARTS MARCH 24th, 2025


• A one hour Zoom meeting on Monday evening each week for six weeks.

• A discussion of an important aspect of writing, including a colorful slideshow.

• An assignment to be worked on through the week and turned in by Saturday night.

• Discussion of how the previous assignment went.

• Access to the Wet Ink portal for our class, which includes the assignments, recordings of the classes, and a place where students can give and receive feedback.

• One of the unique aspects of these workshops is that I participate as a student too. I tackle the assignment along with everyone else, and that keeps me connected to the struggle.


(A unit = one six week class)

One Unit: $275
Two Units: $500 (250/ class)
Three Units: $700 (233/class)
Six Units: $1200 (200/class)


The mindset that has been most helpful for me in writing fictional characters is to believe as soon as possible that they are real, that they exist somewhere, that the deserve respect and consistency. Everything else emanates from that respect, which is hard to do at the very beginning, because you don’t even know who you’re respecting. But that’s the work we have to do, so let’s do it!

Questions? Write