What a boring name for such an integral part of writing: shape.

‘Shape’ means intentionality in the story we’re telling, in the parts of our lives we choose to include, and what we leave out. It means that we are in control of the elements of a story, and we make those choices responsibly and confidently.



Hello, my name is Nick. I've written three books, I've taught dozens of writing workshops, I've edited manuscripts, and I've coached writers one-on-one. In all that work, I've come across hundreds of writers, and I've learned some things everyone has in common:

1. Everyone knows more or less what they want to write about.
2. Everyone is afraid to write those things.

To the first one, I say, “Great!” To the second, I say, “Let’s deal with those fears!”

I do these writing workshops because I get to see people when they dive into those fears and write what they’ve been wanting to write. And there is something special about gathering with a small group of people every week to write.

Here’s what I’ve seen writers get out of these workshops:


You feel good about the things you're writing because someone says, "Wow! I can relate to that."


You feel how much it matters that you write, because there is a deadline to finish it and a group of people will be looking at you on a Zoom call.


Six weeks of writing gives you a sense of what it's like to be in the habit of writing.

I believe that these workshops work best when the teacher is working on the same assignments as the students. That way I can provide examples of how I approach the problem, and walk through my solutions with the class. You don’t have to start at Unit One. You can join us in any unit throughout the year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you have to start with Unit One or can I jump in on Unit Three or something?

A: You can jump in at any time! Just sign up for the unit you can do. You won’t be lost or behind. Every unit comes with a fair amount of orientation for new students, and people who haven’t written in a while.

Q: I don’t know, is this for me? I’m not actually a writer, even though I burn with a desire to tell my personal story of love and loss and I can’t sleep at night because I feel like I’ll never be able to write it.

A: Hmm… You sound like a writer to me! Come join the class!

Q: How many people are in the workshops?

A: My ideal number is ten people, because it feels like the perfect balance of group inspiration but you can still have your voice heard. Sometimes it’s a little smaller or bigger depending on the vagaries of human availability, but trust me, whatever number it is, it’ll be the right number.

Q: So, a one hour video meeting every week, and then we get an assignment, and we have to turn that in before the next class?

A: That’s it! You seem to know this as well as I do. Have you been in this class before?

Q. No, no, of course not. I’m a writer, so I observe and make good educated guesses.

A: Get in this workshop already!

If you have any more questions about the workshops, write to me at:
nickjaina (at) gmail (dot) com